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    New York: 212-461-1753
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    Long Island: 516-300-1008
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    Arizona: 602-357-1514
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Health Conditions Helped by Somatics

A partial list of disorders that respond well to Clinical Somatic Education — with some improving or resolving completely in just a few sessions. Explore these topics (in short lists, more detail, or picture grids) to learn more about the science and approach used in addressing a disorder. Contact us to learn more.


For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.

Spinal Stenosis

For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.


For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.

Successful Aging

Aging has come to be thought of a disease process in it’s own right. We consider the act of simply living on the planet as it’s own pathogen that results in our decline. While the many processes we think of as aging are obviously complex and not entirely understood, we assume “aging" as default cause almost anytime someone has musculoskeletal problems, aches, pains, or loss of energy and function. This is the nature of a “myth”: A myth is a story that may or not be true, but we accept it as legitimate and use it as an explanation for why certain things are the way they are.


For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.

Foot Pain

Looking at a clients feet is a great way to understand the amount of musculo-skeletal dysfunction of the entire body. As the part of our body that has to negotiate the final details of walking, standing, etc, the feet will often take on a lot of pain and structural breakdown.
Due to the number of bones and joints in the feet and their relative size, the feet can take on many shapes and configurations.
As an example of this, people use the terms "flat feet" and "high arches" to describe conditions of the arches of the foot.


For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.

This information is provided for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat disease conditions, nor should it substitute for medical evaluation or treatment. Please consult with your doctor before undergoing any movement, treatment, or fitness regimen.