For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
A partial list of disorders that respond well to Clinical Somatic Education — with some improving or resolving completely in just a few sessions. Explore these topics (in short lists, more detail, or picture grids) to learn more about the science and approach used in addressing a disorder. Contact us to learn more.
For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a set of symptoms, characterized by pain, weakness, tingling, or numbness of parts of the hand, brought about by the entrapment of the Median nerve between the carpal bones and ligaments of the wrist. CTS is generally associated with overuse, misuse, or repetitive stress, and can occur in musicians, packagers, typists, or anyone else who tends to use their hands repetitively.
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome, or "TMJ", describes a broad range of symptoms in the jaw, neck, and teeth including pain, restrictions in movement and bite, misalignments, noisy joints, and teeth grinding. Often this problem is considerd by medicine and denstristy a structural issue or misalignment.
However, clients practicing Clinical Somatics find many or all of these problems relieved, controlled, or eliminated. These pains, restrictions, and misalignments may be caused by chronic muscular firing from the sensory-motor system and resulting long-held contractions of the jaw, neck, and possibly shoulder muscles.
For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
Very often when a doctor or other health professional looks at an MRI or X-ray of a spine, they see a bulging, herniated or damaged disc and equate that with the cause of the pain. While we are in no way disregarding the idea that disc damage can cause pain and disfunction, the fact is that many people live perfectly healthy and pain free lives with damaged discs.
Plantar fasciitis is an inflamation or mild tearing of the fascia (soft connective tissue) of the bottom of the foot. It is characterized commonly by an intense pain of the heel and bottom of foot upon waking in the morning, and potential pain throughout the day, especially when pressure is applied to the bottom of the foot. Plantar Fasciitis can be caused by overuse or misuse of the foot, as well as by improper footwear.
Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa, the fluid filled sacks that cushion points of contact between tendons, ligaments, and bones. Especially prevalent in the shoulder and knee joints, bursitis can cause pain upon movement, heat, swelling, and limited mobility. The term is often used as a general description for shoulder pain where the cause is unclear and is generally thought to occur from misuse.
This information is provided for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat disease conditions, nor should it substitute for medical evaluation or treatment. Please consult with your doctor before undergoing any movement, treatment, or fitness regimen.