Workplace Wellness
Coming soon. Please contact us for more information on workplace wellness with Somatics.
A partial list of disorders that respond well to Clinical Somatic Education — with some improving or resolving completely in just a few sessions. Explore these topics (in short lists, more detail, or picture grids) to learn more about the science and approach used in addressing a disorder. Contact us to learn more.
Coming soon. Please contact us for more information on workplace wellness with Somatics.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a set of symptoms, characterized by pain, weakness, tingling, or numbness of parts of the hand, brought about by the entrapment of the Median nerve between the carpal bones and ligaments of the wrist. CTS is generally associated with overuse, misuse, or repetitive stress, and can occur in musicians, packagers, typists, or anyone else who tends to use their hands repetitively.
For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
The hamstrings are a very mysterious place for most people, not an area where we have a huge amount of sensation or proprioception. Hamstring tension, tears and pulls are very common, especially in athletes.
Chronically contracted muscles of the abdomen, chest, back, and waist can easily restrict the inhalation and exhalation of breath. There is a complicated and beautifully orchestrated pattern of muscular coordination between the diaphragm, the abdominal muscles, the chest, neck, and shoulder muscles, the muscles between the ribs, as well as the back and waist muscles that must occur in order to enable deep and easy breathing.
For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
For information regarding Somatics and this condition, please contact the Somatic Systems Institute. Thank you.
Coming soon.
Contact us for more information.
Or check out our guide to Mindful Movement Practices & Somatics.
This information is provided for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat disease conditions, nor should it substitute for medical evaluation or treatment. Please consult with your doctor before undergoing any movement, treatment, or fitness regimen.