There is a very intricate relationship between the movement of the eyes, the balancing organs of the inner ear, the musculature of the entire skeleton, the proprioceptive sense organs of the body, and the brain centers that equate and manage all of these factors.
The delicate balance between all of these elements can easily be offset by habituated muscular tensions, especially of the neck, and by the resulting compromised relationships between eye movement, neck, movement, and inner ear functions. All of this can lead to dizziness, headaches, balance problems, vertigo, faulty proprioception and other related conditions.
Clinical Somatic education helps to eliminate unnecessary tension around the inner ear as well as to allow the client to gain greater balance and coordination of the movements of the eyes, neck and whole body, as well as to enhance the proprioception and processing in the brain of this coordination. All of this can lead to reduction in dizziness, headaches, eye function, balance, vertigo, etc.