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    Contact info

    Call Us

    Western Mass: 413-586-2555
    New York: 212-461-1753
    New Jersey: 973-327-7001
    Long Island: 516-300-1008
    Texas: 325-245-0141
    Arizona: 602-357-1514
    Virginia Beach: 757-644-5981
    Toll-free: 877-586-2555

    Calling any of our locations is like calling all of our locations. If you wish to make an appointment or register for a class at any location, request information, order a product, or anything else, you may contact us at the above location. Or find local contact information for any of our locations in our Locations directory.


Frozen Shoulder / Adhesive Capsulitis

Sometimes interchanged with the term "frozen shoulder", adhesive capsulitis is the adhesion of the joint capsule to the bones of the shoulder joint. While this condition may cause scarring or other degradation of tissues of the shoulder, Clinical Somatics can help to restore the movement of the shoulder in a safe, non-invasive, and gentle way that allows for mobility and healing of the joint with long-lasting results. Most importantly, Somatics can address the functional issues that led to the condition to begin with, and prevent it from happening again.


This information is provided for information purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat disease conditions, nor should it substitute for medical evaluation or treatment. Please consult with your doctor before undergoing any movement, treatment, or fitness regimen.