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    New York: 212-461-1753
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Northampton, MA

Myth of Aging Workshop in Cohasset, MA - Nov 18, 2007

Are you tired, achy, & inflexible even though you exercise? Do you have pesky or lingering body issues even though you do good things for your body? Learn the exercises that will help you exercise. Undo the effects of Sensorimotor Amnesia (SMA) by restoring voluntary control to your bodyís neuromuscular system. This series of simple exercise patterns will change the way you live. Youíll learn how to enjoy freedom from pain & enjoy more comfortable movement for the rest of your life.


Somatics 101 One-Day Workshop, October 13, 2007

This workshop is comprised of eight individual Somatics exploration lessons, teaching you to release unconsciously held muscles beginning at the center of the body out to the periphery. Participants also learn the Daily Somatic Essentials, a routine that can be done in only five minutes a day, every day for maintaining and continuing to improve your Somatic health.


Weekly Class starting January 12, 2011

Are you new to Somatics or have you taken classes with us before? If your answer is yes to either of those questions then this class is for you! We have designed this class with the student in mind. This drop-in class is good for beginning or advanced students.

This is a great way to:
take your practice deeper,
customize your routines,
learn new movements for different areas of the body that can be done sitting, standing, and on the floor
bring in your concerns and get individual attention and instruction.


Somatics for Healthy Shoulders, Neck, Back & Posture - Fall 2010 - Weekly Class 6 of 6 - Thu, Dec 9

Do your shoulders and back ache from long hours at the computer? Do you get a tight sore neck or tension headaches? Do your hips and back hurt at the end of a long day?

This series of six classes will address a variety of postural imbalances that cause chronic pain throughout the body, with a special focus on upper body issues. Through gentle movements and increased internal awareness, class participants will gradually acquire an array of tools for effective self-care.


Somatics for Healthy Shoulders, Neck, Back & Posture - Fall 2010 - Weekly Class 5 of 6 - Thu, Dec 2

Do your shoulders and back ache from long hours at the computer? Do you get a tight sore neck or tension headaches? Do your hips and back hurt at the end of a long day?

This series of six classes will address a variety of postural imbalances that cause chronic pain throughout the body, with a special focus on upper body issues. Through gentle movements and increased internal awareness, class participants will gradually acquire an array of tools for effective self-care.


Somatics for Healthy Shoulders, Neck, Back & Posture - Fall 2010 - Weekly Class 4 of 6 - Thu, Nov 18

Do your shoulders and back ache from long hours at the computer? Do you get a tight sore neck or tension headaches? Do your hips and back hurt at the end of a long day?

This series of six classes will address a variety of postural imbalances that cause chronic pain throughout the body, with a special focus on upper body issues. Through gentle movements and increased internal awareness, class participants will gradually acquire an array of tools for effective self-care.


Somatics for Healthy Shoulders, Neck, Back & Posture - Fall 2010 - Weekly Class 3 of 6 - Thu, Nov 11

Do your shoulders and back ache from long hours at the computer? Do you get a tight sore neck or tension headaches? Do your hips and back hurt at the end of a long day?

This series of six classes will address a variety of postural imbalances that cause chronic pain throughout the body, with a special focus on upper body issues. Through gentle movements and increased internal awareness, class participants will gradually acquire an array of tools for effective self-care.


Somatics for Healthy Shoulders, Neck, Back & Posture - Fall 2010 - Weekly Class 2 of 6 - Thu, Nov 4

Do your shoulders and back ache from long hours at the computer? Do you get a tight sore neck or tension headaches? Do your hips and back hurt at the end of a long day?

This series of six classes will address a variety of postural imbalances that cause chronic pain throughout the body, with a special focus on upper body issues. Through gentle movements and increased internal awareness, class participants will gradually acquire an array of tools for effective self-care.


Somatics for Healthy Shoulders, Neck, Back & Posture - Fall 2010 - Weekly Class 1 of 6 - Thu, Oct 28

Do your shoulders and back ache from long hours at the computer? Do you get a tight sore neck or tension headaches? Do your hips and back hurt at the end of a long day?

This series of six classes will address a variety of postural imbalances that cause chronic pain throughout the body, with a special focus on upper body issues. Through gentle movements and increased internal awareness, class participants will gradually acquire an array of tools for effective self-care.



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