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    Western Mass: 413-586-2555
    New York: 212-461-1753
    New Jersey: 973-327-7001
    Long Island: 516-300-1008
    Texas: 325-245-0141
    Arizona: 602-357-1514
    Virginia Beach: 757-644-5981
    Toll-free: 877-586-2555

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Somatics Announcements & Updates

A newsfeed of all our updates about the field of Somatics, health care, education, and related matters — including news stories, blog posts, and other announcements.

Somatic Exercise Workshops, April 2008

Learn to free up your whole body for more efficient and graceful movement.  Learn to find and use your body's natural shock absorbing systems in order to prevent knee, foot, hip, and back injury.  Get a whole new way to approach warm-up and stretching that is safer and more effective than treaditional stretching.  Improve natural breathing and muscular coordination.
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Clinical Somatics Free Clinic

Its that time again!! We have a limited number of slots available in our Student Clinic on Saturday March 8, 2008. If you have wanted to try Clinical Somatics or have any chronic pain, postural issues, or discomfort that you would like to try to approach from a different way, now is a good chance!
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Somatics Exercise Classes Spring 2008 Schedule

This series is comprised of 8 individual lessons, teaching you to release unconsciously held muscles beginning at the core of the body out to the periphery.  You will also learn the "Daily Somatic Essentials", a sequence of exercises that can be done anytime, anywhere, in as little as 5 minutes, in order to maintain better flexibility, coordination, and balance, resulting in a decrease of the aches and pains commonly attributed to injury and aging.
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Somatic Exercises for the Shoulders, Neck, & Chest

In this class we will learn and practice movements that target the shoulders, upper back, chest, abdomen, and neck.  As always the movements are designed to give greater relaxation, intelligence, coordination, flexibility and awareness of muscles and movement.
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The Myth of Aging One-Day Workshop in Cohasset, MA

Are you tired, achy, & inflexible even though you exercise? Do you have pesky or lingering body issues even though you do good things for your body? Learn the exercises that will help you exercise. Undo the effects of Sensory-Motor Amnesia (SMA) by restoring voluntary control to your body's neuromuscular system. This series of simple exercise patterns will change the way you live. You'll learn how to enjoy freedom from pain & enjoy more comfortable movement for the rest of your life. If you suffer from headaches, neck or shoulder pain, low back pain or sciatica, insomnia, or from discomforts often (mis)associated with the aging process Clinical Somatics can help. Don't live your life according to the Myth of Aging. Resume control of your life with Somatics.
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