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Forum Topics Posts Last post
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Conversations among and questions from students involved in the training program and their trainers.

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Clinical skills, methods, and issues, as well as client challenges and assessment.

4 12
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Teaching approaches, content, management, and other issues related to movement classes and somatic exercises.

1 1
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Academic material, concepts, philosophy, and related questions and discussions.

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Issues, concepts, and content related to educating your clients about Somatics, explaining your work to colleagues and prospective clients, and talking about Somatics in general.

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Business building, business management, marketing, and promotional endeavors.

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Issues and support needs for non-curriculum related matters of your class, the training program in general, community events, and websites and other technology systems and other community tools.

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Please enter your questions and discussion topics for Training Support calls here, each one as comment under the forum topic for your scheduled support call.

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For professionals members, practitioners, and students.

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Check out this section if you are new to Somatic Systems Institute's professional forums.

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General and miscellaneous discussions and perspectives on Clinical Somatic Education practice and methods.

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Share your difficult cases and unresolved conditions with your colleagues.

20 20
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Discussions of various conventional medical diagnoses and so-called "functional disorders". Remember, it is not our scope and we are not licensed to treat medical diagnoses or contradict a medical professionals' diagnoses or treatment plans. This forum is intended for mature and deliberative discussion of our experiences with functional disorders, including clients we've worked with and source material from the field of Somatics and elsewhere, and ideas and general approaches we can take as Somatic Educators.

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Discuss issues related to Hanna's three Clinical Lessons.

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Discuss technique, nuance, logic, theory, etc. of Pandiculation, Kinetic Mirroring, and Means-Whereby.

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Discourse on philosophical and sociological issues in Clinical Somatics, health care, education, and the field of somatics.

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Discuss ethical issues in your own practice, Clinical Somatics, the field of somatics in general, health care, and education.

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Publish presentation of cases here--case studies of successful or interesting clients you want to share. (Please indicate at the top or bottom of each case study you submit whether or not it can be reprinted by other practitioners.)

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Discourse, questions, and information sharing about somatics-related biology, neurophysiology, and other scientific matters, including the premises of Clinical Somatic Education as well as current and past research and findings. Both beginners and seasoned scientists welcome!

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Issues, efforts, ideas, struggles, successes, etc. marketing & selling Clinical Somatic Education, your CSE practice, and/or CSE products.

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Discussions, anecdotes, and questions regarding operating and managing the business of your Clinical Somatic Education practice (office operations, time management, staffing, billing, etc., etc., etc.)

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Discuss community events past and future. For example, a new member might ask an older member about a past workshop; or members might debate the topics covered in a Convention lecture.

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Discussions and ideas sharing about the future of Clinical Somatics, the community, and the field of somatics in general.

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Discussion for HSErs and the AHSE community about issues and concerns related to AHSE, NI, governance, regulation, licensing, politics, community, and the future of it all.

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A forum to contact the Institute's Directors and staff. Make a suggestion, suggest an item for the Institute's agenda, check in about the status of a project.

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If you are new to the Professional Community (or back after a hiatus), browse here to learn about the Institute's procedures and other facts and tips to help you get the most out of your Community, and to get the most done in the Community. If you don't find an answer to your question already in the forums, post it here so someone can answer it.

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Personal announcements, conversations, and miscellaneous chit chat among friends and colleagues: Basically any conversations ou want to have not directly related to somatics.

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General questions and conversations about Somatics. Chat with the public or with Somatics professionals.
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Check out this section if you are new to the Somatics Forums.
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Come here if you're new and want special attention or to make sure you get a helping hand.
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Discussion and questions about Somatics products, including exercise CDs and books.
33 40
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Discussion and questions about individual clinical sessions of Somatics.
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Discussion and questions about group movement classes, exercises (including those taught to clients in Somatics sessions), and miscellaneous Somatics movement exploration.
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Questions and clarity about how Somatics works, for beginners and advanced inquirers. This can include information about Sensory-Motor-Amnesia, the muscles, the brain, learning, and anything else related to Somatics.
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Discussion about the philosophical implications, underpinnings, and history of Somatics.
29 29
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All of Somatics is education, and uses educational principles to help the nervous system function more effectively. This is a forum to discuss the educational principles and theories at work, as well as to discuss Somatics in use in classrooms and other educational settings.
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Current findings and academic discourse on the biology and neurophysiology of Somatics.
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From the physical education class to the military, discussion of settings where you have seen, or want to see, Somatics in action.
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General questions and conversations about Somatics. Chat with the public or with Somatics professionals.
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Check out this section if you are new to these Somatic Forums.
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Clinical Somatic Education, based on Thomas Hanna's neuromuscular retraining method and findings, such as Sensory Motor Amnesia
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Discussion of Moshe Felednkrais' work, including Functional Integration and Awareness Through Movement, as well as descendent methods such as the Anat Baniel Method.
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The past, present, and future of F. Matthias Alexander's pioneering work in awareness education.
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Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen's system of movement education & exploration.
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Discussion of the Trager Psychophysical Integration method developed by Dr. Milton Trager.
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Discuss any yoga method or general yoga practice.
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Discuss the Internal Martial Arts.
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Discussion of the many forms of meditation, including TM, relaxation response, Zen, and general meditation.
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A method of body-centered therapy originated in the mid-1970s, developed by Ron Kurtz, and members of his training Staff. Hakomi studies mind/body patterns and core beliefs as you experience them.
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Peter Levine's approach to the resolution and healing of trauma, discussed in the book Waking the Tiger.
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The method of exploring and emerging from traumatic distress patterns, including both the International Re-evaluation Counseling Communities and Co-Counseling International
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New developments in research related to somatics, bodywork, health, or education.
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Research about muscle, joint, and bone health, a well as related neurophysiology research.
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Research in the various fields of chronic pain study and treatment.
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Learning, the brain, and psychology.
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Discussion and philosophizing of integrity and standards in somatics practices, and in the training of practitioners and professionals.
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Sharing information and thoughts regarding Professional Training opportunities.
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Discourse and sharing of information about the various independent standards agencies that endorse training programs or individual practitioners, such as ISMETA, NCBTMB, AOBTA, etc.
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