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Student with Back Pain and Migraines, Ohio

I have used Clinical Somatic Education to overcome not only the first and last time I “threw my back out” but to manage and eventually eliminate migraines from my life.

I first met Steven and the gang in 2008 when I began the practitioner training at Somatic Systems Institute the first time.

Yes, I said the first time. I wasn't able to continue after the first module so I stopped.

I finally came back to begin again in 2012 and then finished my class hours a little over two years later. He welcomed me back as if I had been there all along.

We get along well, and he is ready and willing to answer any questions you might have. If he doesn't have the answer already he will do his best to find it. Unless of course it is better that you find it on your own. :)

You might think the repetition of some of the principles of the work is excessive. Believe me it is not. When you begin the training you will likely have a way of seeing things and an understanding of how you and others operate that is almost the exact opposite of what you will learn and experience. Because it is your habit to think and perceive that way it might take a while for you to get out of it and then into the habit of seeing and experiencing differently. That is into realizing how you've been seeing and experiencing all along but just haven't been so clearly aware of it and then getting into the habit of going about each day so that you always remember.

I'm not sure whether I can say enough about how valuable Clinical Somatic Education is for you yourself, not to mention to all those you could help in a profound way. CSE literally has to do with the quality of our life. If we are not Somatically "literate," we suffer from the things that are going on under our conscious radar or attention that unchecked compromise the way we function. The moment we start to become aware of those things our quality of life begins to improve. Over time you will experience relief and change that you never imagined possible and--if you go through with this training or even point others to CSE practitioners or classes or self-guided resources--you will be able to direct others toward the exact same thing.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I have personally benefited tremendously from the use of Clinical Somatic Education and I have been through the training. In addition to the two ways I've benefited that I mentioned at the beginning of this review I have been able to maintain my eyesight (at approximately 20/20.25), avoid constipation, overcome and avoid hemorrhoids, and eliminate my constant runny nose issue. There are plenty of other ways I've improved with the help of Clinical Somatics including several that would normally be considered psychological, but that will do for now.

All the best to you, whatever you choose.


(This testimonial reprinted with permission from an independent online review site.)

David Krauss
Fostoria, OH
United States