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SSI's Next Professional Training Program Starts in June! Become Certified Today!

Clinical Somatic Education
Professional Training Program

Somatic Systems Institute, Northampton, MA
Dear Friend of Somatics,

We wanted to remind you that this is the last week to take advantage of our Early Action

Save over $600!!


Apply (by May 1st) and enroll Early
Action and for first semester receive last year's tuition and all required textbooks FREE, a more than $600 value.

Somatic Systems Institute is excited to announce the dates for the next Clinical Somatic Education Professional Training Program in Northampton, MA!  This three-semester, 500-hour class will follow a nine-day, modular schedule.  Class will meet twice per semester for nine days at a time.  The dates for the first semester are:
Module 1:

Saturday, June 20 - Sunday, June 28, 2009

Begin your journey to a Somatics career in only 9 days.  You will be amazed at how comfortably and deeply immersed in somatic theory, philosophy, and clinical practice you will be, in such a short time.  You will learn the foundations of postural theory, the principles of Somatics, a range of clinical methods, and go home with routines to already begin working with clients or friends.

Module 2:
Saturday, September 19 - Sunday, September 27, 2009

Students come back eager to pick up where they left off, and they are pleased to fill in the blanks since their first module.  You will complete the foundations of postural theory and somatic kinesiology; delve into educational theories, principles, and skills; and finish learning the most important and commonly used clinical protocols for working with the majority of typical clients.  You will go home well-equipped to begin working with a wide range of people in professional settings and to teach group movement classes.

This training program is designed so that anyone -- regardless of prior bodywork experience -- can learn this incredibly effective technique. Our students can begin practicing upon completion of the first semester-- in fact many of our students are transitioning their careers before graduating!

Through comprehensive experiential and academic study of kinesiology, anatomy, neurophysiology, philosophy, functional disorders, teaching principles and educational techniques, our students are often surprised by the mastery of the work and personal transformation that they achieve in such a short time.

In additional to the most effective method of pain relief and athletic enhancement available, Somatic Systems Institute also offers stud

  • 25% discount on most educational products sold on our web site or at any of our retail locations.
  • Full-time Mentorship program and access to faculty and other support staff year-round throughout the course of your training program and beyond.
  • Online support tools, such as student-practitioner forums, so you can find Somatics help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Optional Study groups and practice weekends hosted throughout the year between training modules.
  • Group rates for premium insurance specialized just for our industry.
  • Discounted membership in ABMP, for access to and affiliation with an international community of bodyworkers & health care practitioners.
  • Lifelong friends and community.
With all the increased worldwide interest in Somatics over the past year (from the media, an upcoming PBS special, the US military, the medical profession, etc.), this is shaping up to be our most exciting training class so far, and an even more exciting opportunity for incoming students than ever before.  Please take a moment to look over the schedule and materials, as application deadlines are fast approaching, and there are substantial savings for "Early Action" applicants.

As an SSI employee, I am happy to answer any questions you may have about our Professional Training Program or simply to discuss how Somatics can help you get out of pain for good and improve your life!  Please do not hesitate to call or email!

For more information, visit http://somatics.org/training

Chris Oakley
SSI Customer Service

Read What Our Students are Saying:
Nancy Graham ('07),Physical Therapy Assistant, 24 Years, Massage Therapist, Keene, NH:

"I've been a Physical Therapy Assistant for 24 yrs and a Massage Therapist for 2. This is the first course I've taken where I was able to and expected to apply the knowledge and techniques I was learning on the instructors. As a result it's totally changed the way I've approached working with my clients. I can actually go out feeling solid and comfortable working on people right away, rather than wondering if I'm applying the techniques properly."
Paul Hayman ('08)
,Engineer and Pain Management Clinic Manager, Rapid City, SD:

"[Since returning from my very first module of the Clinical Somatic Education Training Program,] I've done about 10 protocols this first week. Reactions have ranged from moderately pleasant surprise to unrestrained elation. I've done it on two ladies with significant chronic pain and they danced around shaking their hips (one said she hasn't been able to do that since 1991). I'm looking forward to [the next module in] January. We have a great class and it will be fun to help everyone else develop into world-class practitioners."
Patrick Flanagan ('08),
Biotechnology Researcher, Upton, MA:

"The Somatic Systems Institute Clinical Somatic Education professional training program was an unbelievable experience. I was amazed at the unbelievable sense of freedom I experienced in my own body after only the first 9-day module. It was fascinating to experience even my thoughts shifting to a greater sense of freedom and feeling open to solutions and avenues that I didn't even see before. I don't know if I could ever fully explain this - everyone just needs to experience it for themselves. Looking back, it feels like I was living my life with my emergency brake on before this training.

From a professional standpoint, the training module was excellent. I left with a solid foundation of understanding the basis for the work of Clinical Somatic Education and complete confidence in performing a Clinical Somatics session with a client. I completely recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their own lives and those looking to help others improve the quality of their lives."

M.V.,Yoga Teacher, Louisiana:

"One of the students said that not only had he discovered a wonderful healing tool but also he had found a new family. I feel the same way. [There were] wonderful conversations and bonding moments during meals and during practice sessions.

The faculty's teaching skills are superb. I feel it an honor and a privilege to be a part of such wonderful exciting education. This new field has such potential to ease human suffering in such a huge way. I am thrilled to be a part of such a spiritual and monumentally important learning field. I feel as though I am a pioneer woman of the 21st century.
It was worth all the pain and suffering that I went through so that I could discover how powerful Clinical Somatics really is. I only hope that I can master and live up to this great calling - to ease suffering in the world and to promote health, healing and a sense of well being to millions."

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Somatic Systems Institute
32 Masonic St
Northampton, MA 01060