7:00-8:00 PM, Thursday, November 5, 2009
This is the 4th class of an 8-week series that teaches you to release unconsciously held muscles beginning at the core of the body out to the periphery. You can take this class individually, or register for the complete series
This class will work with the muscles and joints involved with rotation of the trunk, waist and hips. Easy, gentle movements produce powerful results for those of any age looking for a flexible and aligned spine — including athletes, dancers, yoga practitioners and those suffering from scoliosis, long-term injuries, limps, or imbalance leg lengths.
The series will also teach you the "Daily Somatic Essentials", a sequence of exercises that can be done anytime, anywhere, in as little as 5 minutes, in order to maintain better flexibility, coordination, and balance, resulting in a decrease of the aches and pains commonly attributed to injury and aging.