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From a former physical therapist: One more think to think about is "crossover" from other fields, i.e. PT's, Chiropractors

From a former physical therapist: One more think to think about is "crossover" from other fields, i.e. PT's, Chiropractors

A question from a former physical therapist: One more think to think about is "crossover" from other fields, i.e. PT's, OT's, Chiropractors, sports medicine clinical personnel, etc. If THEIR reimbursement goes down (from payer sources like Medicare, HMO's, etc), then they'll be looking to alternative sources of revenue. In comes Somatics. Most likely not covered by many insurance plans (yet), but when someone's in pain, they're willing to pay whatever the cost to try to alleviate it. Also, to try to avoid epidurals (many risks and lose their effectiveness over time), surgery, and disability.

So..........there are MANY different scenarios that may play out here.

We too are troubled by the use of epidurals and cortisone injections! There are great risks to them — in terms of greater damage and pain that can be caused to the patient long-term, etc. — and, while these risks are known and acknowledged by doctors and physical therapists, many clients report not being adequately informed of these risks.

Back surgeries are one example of chronic pain surgeries that are known to be ineffective. Again, doctors themselves will tell you that their efficacy rate is 50%, meaning there as likely to be of no help as they are not. If an experimental treatment had this kind of track record, conventional medicine would likely call these results random at best. And there are plenty of examples of back and other orthopedic surgeries that leave the patients in worse shape than they were before. Our clients and colleagues will be the first to line up to tell you some of those stories from what they went through before Somatics.

No one has to be left behind with Somatics. We would welcome the opportunity to retrain every physical therapist, chiropractor, sports medicine practitioner, etc. In fact, some of the most excited students in our Professional Training Program are exactly these health practitioners — physical therapists, chiropractors, sports medicine practitioners, etc. They are overjoyed to finally have a technique that achieves the results they always wanted to get with their clients. We already have physical therapists and chiropractors who — after literally decades of financially successful careers — simply dropped their current practices to replace them with Somatics; thatís how good Clinical Somatics is and how easy it is for experts to see that.