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Linear Traction Pillow


Product Details


Experience gentle traction from this unique pillow. We recommend this pillow for use a few hours at a time to relieve acute neck pain. For a nightly use pillow, check out our Linear Gravity pillow!

Lie on your back, let your head and neck rest in the "V". Experience instant stress relief and decompression of your vertebrae. The ergonomically designed, recessed center and hand-stuffed "V" work together to gently relieve vertebrae compression caused by gravity from being upright all day.

The special "V" shape in the pillow, cradles your head and gently lifts your head away from your shoulders (much like a masseuse at a spa would do for you) at the same time the neck roll underneath supports your neck. While sleeping on your side, the generous, soft wings keep your head at the right height from the mattress, to relieve strain on your neck and shoulders. It works for you, sleeping on your back or side.

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