Update or add your contact information below. You can enter multiple numbers and addresses, so please remember to include a descriptive label for each so visitors know where to contact you and why (e.g., for telephones, "Main Office", "Fax", "Answering Service", etc.; for email, "Main Email Address", "Spa Email Address", "Secondary Email Address", etc.).
You can designate different contact information for different audiences (professional community members, the general public reading your practitioner listing, etc.). Please remember to use phone numbers that you are appropriate for the specified audience. For example, for those of you with a practitioner listing, please use numbers on that at which a caller will receive a professional answer if they reach a live person, or a professional greeting if they reach voicemail. Professional community members providing unprofessional contact information to the public may risk that info being removed from public view.
If you have any trouble with any of this, please click the Chat button on this page if available or contact us for assistance.