Is there financial aid available for a person who wants to [train to] get certified and open their own Somatics [clinic]?
Yes. If you look at our older press releases, you will see that early in 2007 we discussed plans and efforts to offer financial aid for our student, and by the August we had launched the program. At this point, there are a variety of options, including loans through an arrangement with Bank of America that provides favorable interest rates and more cash upfront to our company. Another really accessible and manageable program we offer is an in-house aid option where students can pay as little as $150-300 per month; this is about what college students pay for student loan programs while under financial hardship, so I think this is a pretty attractive opportunity.
In another example of the business model we have created that delivers a lot of win-win scenarios for customer and company simultaneously (and people and profit simultaneously), this program that makes the training more affordable to many more people also provides us with a minimum of 10% additional revenue on tuition. At the current $10,000 tuition per student, every 8 students on the most modest (and low risk to us) financial aid package produces the equivalent of another studentÃs worth of tuition.