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Do you have an exact date for the first book?

Do you have an exact date for the first book?

No exact date yet, but I actually met with the author of one of the books today, just a few hours ago. As stated, he already has a publisher, but he is right now shopping a few other publishers to potentially expand the audience and profile of the book even further.

A bound copy of the finished manuscript is sitting right beside my keyboard right now, with many of the final illustrations and photographs already included. Somatic Systems is featured starting with the second paragraph of the first chapter:

“I have been passionate about Clinical Somatic Education since my very first hands-on encounter. Approximately one year prior to that encounter, Iíd injured my shoulder through overuse, badly enough that I was in constant discomfort and occasional outright pain with a much restricted range of motion. I developed what is known in the vernacular as a ëfrozen shoulderí. Being a martial arts professional, an injury such as Iíd incurred went beyond mere inconvenience. My very career was at risk. I pursued a litany of alternative approaches, including chiropractic, deep tissue massage, homeopathy, acupuncture, and even more conventional physical therapy in an effort to resolve my shoulder issue, all to no avail. Then, at some point, I had the recollection of reading Thomas Hannaís book, Somatics, several years earlier. This prompted a web search that led me to the Somatic Systems Institute (SSI) in Northampton, MA. Northampton was a good two-hour drive for me, but Somatic Systems Institute housed the nearest qualified practitioner, so I called for an appointment and schlepped on out. There I met SSI founder Steven Aronstein. A single one-hour session with Steve was all that was required to put my shoulder back in full working order. I walked in with a bad wing and walked out ready to fly, my shoulder restored to 100% functioning after a year of constant pain and stiffness. Amidst my delight and amazement at having recovered full use of my shoulder in such short order and in the absence of any invasive procedures, the implications for myself and my own students were immediately obvious. The very next week I inquired about practitioner training and signed on for the first available training module. Iíve not had cause to regret my decision, and since early on in my training Iíve been so fortunate as to help many others in similarly dire need...”