Training Program Downloads
For your convenience, our training program informaton can be obtained electronically. Documents in PDF format can be read and printed on almost any computer (Windows or Mac) using the free program, Adobe Acrobat Reader (click here to get Acrobat Reader if you don't have it [1]). Here are the documents available:
- Prospectus: For detailed information on the training program, in PDF format.
- Application Form: In PDF format, to print and fill out to apply by postal mail.
- Application Template: A text file you can open and fill out on your computer (Windows or Mac), to email or mail to us on disk. (This is the preferred method of submitting your application — for fastest processing.)
- Application & Course Schedule: In PDF format, a schedule of training class dates, as well as application and admission deadlines for your reference.
Click the link below to go to the downloads:
Download: [2] Download the electronic file(s) to your computer.